Unfortunately the 2020 Arvada Elks Golf Tournament has been cancelled. We can’t wait to see everyone at next year’s tournament, please join us July, 2021! ⛳️
MEMORIAL DAY is a special time to pay tribute to our dearly departed especially the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. We as Elk members honor our departed members by placing flags at burial sites. Flags were placed at Arvada Cemetery, Mt....
Attention members – our construction is about to kick into high gear on Monday. There will be many more workers there and a lot of activity. That being said, in order to help our contractor comply with OSHA safety guidelines, only construction personnel will be...
Ready for some GREAT NEWS??! We have finally received the necessary permits to continue the work on the inside of our Lodge. Crews will start next week. This is what we’ve been waiting for since January. We can now look forward to reopening the Lodge with a new...