Arvada Elks #2278

Adding value to our community since 1963

We’re glad you’re here!

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Welcome to Arvada Elks Lodge

At Arvada Elks Lodge, we are dedicated to fostering a sense of community, service, and camaraderie. Our lodge is a place where members and guests come together to support local causes, build lasting friendships, and enjoy a wide variety of events and activities. Whether you’re here to relax, celebrate, or make a difference, you’ll find a welcoming environment that reflects the spirit of generosity and community that defines the Elks. Join us and be part of something special!



Events at Arvada Elks Lodge

At Arvada Elks Lodge, we believe in bringing our community together through exciting and meaningful events. Whether you’re looking for a fun night out, a chance to give back, or a way to connect with fellow members, there’s always something happening at the lodge. We love having guests! Just a friendly reminder that all guests must be accompanied by a current Arvada Elks member. 

Be sure to check our events calendar regularly or follow us on Facebook or Instagram to stay up-to-date on all the fun happenings at the lodge. We look forward to seeing you at our next event!


Members and Their Guests  Welcome

Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday

(6:30pm – 9:00pm)

Friday Entertainment

Members and Their Guests Welcome

Every Friday

(starting at 6:30)

Auxiliary Breakfast

Members and Their Guests Welcome

3rd Sunday Every Month (excluding July)

(8:30am – 10:30am)

Social Quarters Hours:

Mon-Thur 11am-10:00pm

Friday 11:00am-12:00am

Saturday 11:00am-10:00pm

Sunday 11:00am-6:00pm

*Closing at discretion of the bartender when 4 or fewer patrons are in the bar. Special hours may be applied for special events.

** Current Elk members are always welcome to join us during social quarters hours. If you’re a non-member, we kindly ask that you call ahead to schedule your visit. However, if you’re coming with a member, no advance notice is needed. We look forward to welcoming you!

Parking at the Lodge

We want to make parking easy for everyone! The North parking lot is reserved for Elks Members only who display a current parking pass. If you’re visiting or need extra space, the South parking lot (located at 57th and Yukon) is available for paid public parking. The rates are just $6 for the first two hours, and $2 for each additional hour.

As a member, you’re welcome to park in the South lot for free as long as you display your Elks parking tag. However, we encourage members to use the South lot only when there’s no space available in the North lot.

For more parking options, go to

Arvada Elks Membership Total:

Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power.

– Clint Eastwood, Elks Member

Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.

– George S. Patton, Elks Member